I was re-reading all my posts on here and just realized it's been 3 months today since Joe went into the hospital. I am amazed because it just doesn't seem that long ago really that he was here with me. A lot has changed in three months time. I never thought I would say this but we are really doing okay. The kids still cry for him once in a while. Jonny asked me just today when daddy was coming back from heaven but when I told him daddy couldnt come back he didnt' cry this time. He just went on with his day.
I feel like we are doing ok and sometimes that bothers me. I feel like maybe we should be more messed up. Like maybe we aren't sad enough. But then I remember that "life is for the living" and Joe would want us to live and be happy. He wouldnt want us to sit around all day every day crying for him. He was the kind of man who understood that life goes on and he would expect it from us.